Paraguayan cuisine

The cuisine of Paraguay is similar to the cuisines in Uruguay and the Falkland Islands.[1] Meats, vegetables, manioc,[2] maize[2] and fruits are common in Paraguayan cuisine.[1] Barbecuing is both a cooking technique and often a social event, and are known as Asados. Many dishes are based on corn, milk, cheese and meats, and fish caught in rivers are also eaten.[3] There are about 70 varieties of chipas (cakes) in Paraguay. Most chipas are made from manioc flour, which is derived from cassava, and cornmeal.[4]


Common foods and dishes



Terere is a national drink of Paraguay.[1] Fruit juices and soft drinks are common, and beer and wine are also available.[1] Caña is an alcoholic beverage made from sugarcane juice, and mosto is a non-alcholic variety.[1]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Cuisine of Paraguay, Uruguay and the Falkland Islands, Guarani and European Influences. Accessed July 2011.
  2. ^ a b "Paraguay, the Country of Cassava." Accessed July 2011. (Spanish)
  3. ^ "Culture." (of Paraguay). Accessed July 2011.
  4. ^ "Chipa and Sopa Paraguaya." A Taste of the World. Accessed July 2011.

External links